
Cool Gas Generators

Activated and/or expired nitrogen Cool Gas Generators can be collected, free of charge, by ExxFire.

If you would like to make use of this service, please fill in the required contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible with further instructions about this process.

Please fill in the below mentioned field and upload the requested info to schedule a collection of your ExxFire Cool Gas Generators.

To determine the UN classification you can have a visual inspection: Nozzle gas output open, or to check the weight (7.5kg un-used & 6.5kg used).

In case of doubt, please contact, or call us to: +31 611 153 270 (24/7).

Do you want to return back your activated or expired Cool Generators?

We will contact you as soon as possible with further details about the collection of your used or expired Cool Gas Generators.

Why protecting your equipment with ExxFire?


Safety and security are of the utmost importance nowadays. Our solution protects your assets to ensure business continuity without any lost.


ExxFire is highly committed to the environment, contributing to the reduction of Global Warming, thanks to our environmentally friendly technology based on a clean agent inert gas.


No specific certification is required to install the pre-engineered ExxFire systems. All indications are perfectly and clearly provided in our user manual.


Once the ExxFire unit has been installed, all you have to do is replacing the air filter once a year and the battery once every four years.


Our systems are designed to be implemented either in the inside or at the exterior of the cabinet, offering different multiple mounting configurations to allow the maximum set-up flexibility.


ExxFire experts Team will be more than happy to assist you with the installation of the systems, and also with any after-sales support you might require.

Do you have any questions?

Please contact us!