Extinctium B.V. collaboration with ExxFire B.V.

29/05/2024 - We are delighted to announce a new strategic partnership between ExxFire B.V. and Extinctium B.V.
Extinctium (formerly Sonatech, part of the DEF Group) is a supplier/installer of automatic detection and extinguishing gas systems for business critical areas, which are defined as segments that are essential to business operations, such as server- and technical rooms (e.g. MCC, HS, LS rooms). These spaces are currently 99.9% being equipped with fast detection in combination with a fire extinguishing gas system, which is safe for humans, animals and products: Extinctium IG55 (inert gas mixture based on 50% Nitrogen (N₂) and 50% Argon (Ar)). For important electrical cabinets that are located throughout a large production hall, room extinguishing is not a solution, likewise for a single important electrical cabinet in a room. For cabinet extinguishing these electrical cabinets must be airtight. In order to solve this problem, Extinctium have joined forces with ExxFire.